Sunday, February 28, 2010

Chattanooga has a secret....

Very cool stuff happening here people.  Dylan Kussman, known for his acting alongside Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society, is now in Chattanooga.  Really.  No, Really.   Yes, yes he is.  I am NOT kidding.... Yes he has other roles in movies and TV but when I first saw him here at Ripple Theater,  playing in '12 Angry Jurors' alongside my very dear friend Ikeko Bass, I knew I'd seen him somewhere else, I remembered the name but not the movie.  IMDB to the rescue!  This isn't his first time in Chatt-town.  He also played in LeatherHeads (you know with that other guy, George Clooney?) which was filmed in part here in Chatt. 

I had heard some rumors that he was staying here and was working on a 'film noir' webseries.  I thought that would be pretty cool.  So, here it is.  They had a big release party but I couldn't make it.  The first episode as well as the first season trailer are online at .  The next episodes will be released over the next few weeks. 

After watching the 1st episode my take is, GO SEE IT.  Follow 'Charlie's' blog on the site to fill in any gaps.  They are also running a contest to win a Dell Netbook.  Just watch each episode and find the answer to the weekly question.  When you figure it out go to twitter and send a twitter to @FollowTheSteps and also use hashtag #THESTEPS in your tweet with your answer.  Simple!   It's very well produced, professional looking and fun to watch.  They are also using Facebook: where 'Charlie' is starting a vlog.  It's fun, I'd like to see them do it all from the character POV through Facebook pages ect. Make it interactive, immersive even. 

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